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Everyone at ConnectionsGT is thankful for your business, and we wanted to take a moment to remind you how important it is to always adhere to the rules and regulations that govern SMS messaging.
In short, if you operate Toll-Free Numbers (TFN) or send SMS messages over 10 Digit Long Code (10DLC) Numbers in the US market, it’s imperative you remain in compliance with industry guidelines and carrier requirements. Not doing so could result in a non-compliance penalty fee and/or suspension of services.
We get it. Compliance can sometimes seem overwhelming, and we’re here to help in any way we can. To that point, here is a brief overview to assist you in avoiding any potential consequences of non-compliance:
1. Prohibition of Shared Codes: Shared codes refer to multiple Content Providers or brands sharing the same sender address (TFN or 10DLC) to create their own messaging content. This is not allowed.
2. Content Consistency: All messaging content sent with TFN or 10DLC must align with what was originally approved in the Program Brief, Verification Form or The Campaign Registry. If you’d like to send new content, please submit an updated Program Brief, Verification Form, or 10DLC Campaign to a CGT Account Manager for review and approval.
3. Content Violation: Content violation is sending messages which violate the rules outline in the CTIA Monitoring Handbook and carrier codes of conduct.
Examples include but are not limited to:
inappropriate, fraudulent (e.g., phishing, social engineering), and illicit content is prohibited;
adult content - promoting the sale of alcohol, firearms, or tobacco requires functioning age-gating;
promotion of products like cannabis and gambling which are considered illegal by federal or state law; and
sending any other type of unapproved content.
4. Subscriber Opt-In Consent: Obtaining express written opt-in consent from subscribers before sending them messages is imperative. Sending unsolicited messages (SPAM) is a Severity 0 violation – the most egregious of infractions – and is subject to campaign suspension and non-compliance fees.
5. Accurate Program/Campaign Registration: When registering TFN or 10DLC numbers, please make sure to describe them as accurately as possible to ensure they’re compliant with the following additional requirements:
Stop/help information on websites, if used to collect mobile phone numbers;
Stop/help in sample messages;
Correctly completed support emails and phone numbers;
Correct campaign attributes, including accurate use-case;
No shared consent (consumer opt-in is always required per the CTIA Messaging Principals and Best Practice handbook); and
Accurate sample messages consistent with actual content sent to end-users (i.e., no campaign drift).
6. Consult Carrier Codes of Conduct: Make sure to familiarize yourself with the carrier codes of conduct as well as the latest CTIA guidelines. Be sure to review the May 2023 CTIA Messaging Principles and Best Practices referenced here.
We take compliance matters seriously at ConnectionsGT. In additional to potential non-compliance fees imposed by carriers, ConnectionsGT reserves the right to suspend non-compliant campaigns/programs or campaigns/programs which appear to be fraudulently registered.
Therefore, we strongly encourage you to review your campaigns and confirm with your ConnectionsGT Account Manager that all of your messaging operations are in compliance with the aforementioned guidelines.